It’s with the greatest pleasure that we announce the winner, runners-up and finalists of the 2017 SA Horrorfest Bloody Parchment short story competition. As always, there were many wonderful stories shortlisted, and our judges had their work cut out for them. So, a big thank you to our judges Blaize Kaye, Diane Awerbuck, Masha du Toit, Louis Greenberg, Tammy February and Efemia Chela.

Our winner for the 2017 competition is Pravasan Pillay, for his short story “The Boy Racer”. Our runners-up are Mlilo Mpondo and Ajibola Ogundiran. Huge congratulations are in order! Our finalists, who will also be included in the anthology, include AJ Flowers, Toby Bennett, Susan Rabe, Domenico Pisanti, Calvin Demmer, Hayden Robinson, Manu Herbstein, Marcelle van Niekerk, Gina Kukard and Elaine Dodge.
Do pick up our most recent anthology for 13 dark SFF and horror tales to chill and thrill you.