Well, folks, that was the third annual Bloody Parchment event done and dusted. First off, I'd like to thank the Book Lounge, without whom we would not have the very atmospheric "basement" setting for the festivities. Then, of course, there's the SA HorrorFest organisers, Paul and Sonja, who are probably the most incredibly busy and creative couple I know. If you're in Cape Town and you love the horror genre in all its forms, then you're in for a treat this year. Thank you!
A big thanks to this year's authors and panel members. Our readers were Brett Bruton, SA Partridge, Maya Teresa Fowler, Carine Engelbrecht, Sarah Lotz and Lauren Beukes. You guys brought us a diverse offering.
This year we changed the evening slightly by adding a panel discussion so our audience could ask questions of some of the leading names of genre in Cape Town. Thank you to Joe Vaz (Something Wicked magazine), Ronnie Belcher and Thomas Dorman (BlackMilk Productions), Sarah Lotz and Lauren Beukes for sharing some of their fears with us.
Then a very, very special thanks goes to three of my friends: Cat, Marie and Andrew. You helped me prepare all the yummy snacks and distracted me from my impending doom of MCing the event.
So, folks, the next part of Bloody Parchment--the second anthology--is underway. There is still time to enter (closing date October 31) so go check out the submission guidelines here. If you want to see what last year's anthology looks like, stop by Goodreads. If you're in an absolute bind and you ABSOLUTELY MUST have an extra day or so to polish, please get hold of me to discuss a deadline extension. I don't have a lot of leeway but we can come to some sort of an arrangement. I don't bite. Much.
I've already received a lovely range of entries for this year. I'll be spending November reading them and the judges will receive their selection by the start of December. If all goes according to plan, we'll have our winners announced by mid-December (barring chaos).